What is a flexi face panel


What is a flexi face panel?

It is a backlight media that consists of a semi-transparent PVC film reinforced by acrylic fibers. In addition to the ability to pass light, due to the presence of acrylic fibers, this film has a very high tensile strength. Factors such as resistance to ozone gas, ultraviolet rays the amount of length increase against momentary and continuous stretching and the amount of absorption of the flex itself is one of the quality factors of this media, and the quality of printing depends on the type of coated flex. The life of this media is between 3 and 7 years according to the type of quality. Due to its unique properties in durability and light transmission, flex face is exclusively used as a printing media for backlit advertising purposes. Making advertising boards on the doors of stores, billboards and construction is one of the uses of this media.

flexi face panel

The flexi panel is a cube that includes a metal frame, a shield, and a rail, which has special accessories. It is stretched on the flex print shield with belts and clips, and then it is covered with colored or galvanized sheets. The width of this panel is 21 cm. The lighting system of this board is in such a way that the moonlights are riveted to the trays made of galvanized sheet with a base, and the wire is wired on the tray itself and it goes into the board in a sliding manner, in developed countries, it is usually made of boards Embossed and more expensive boards are used, this flexi board is mostly used in third world countries, the beauty of this type of board depends on the manufacturer and individual elegance, and it can be said that it is the simplest type of board.

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